
Access Laravel Session Outside Laravel

I was curious if this was possible. I had a scenario that I wanted access an active Laravel session OUTSIDE Laravel.

BGTS LDAP Authentication Module

A simple LDAP authentication module for Laravel using Caffeinated Module and Angular JS Checks if a username is registered in an LDAP collection. Replaces the default Laravel Authentication.    

Microsoft Excel's Networkdays on Javascript

Here is a small snippet I made to do Networkdays function of MS Excel in Javascript. networkdays = function (startDate,endDate){ var startDate = typeof startDate=='object' ? startDate: new Date (startDate); var endDate = typeof endDate=='object' ? endDate: new Date (endDate); if (endDate > startDate){ var days = Math .ceil((endDate.setHours(23,59,59,999) - startDate.setHours(0,0,0,1)) / (86400 * 1000)); var weeks = Math .floor( Math .ceil((endDate.setHours(23,59,59,999) - startDate.setHours(0,0,0,1)) / (86400 * 1000)) / 7); days = days - (weeks * 2); days = startDate.getDay() - endDate.getDay() > 1 ? days - 2 : days; days = startDate.getDay() == 0 && endDate.getDay() != 6 ? days - 1 : days; days = endDate.getDay() == 6 && startDate.getDay() != 0 ? days - 1 : days; return days; } return null ; }; Usage: networkdays('08/05/2016','08/30/2016'); OR networkdays(new Date(), '08/30/2016'); Acce...

Make Laravel Modular Part 2 - Creating a Simple Caffeinated Module

Make Laravel Modular Part 2 - Creating a Simple Caffeinated Module A module should always be reusable and easy to install. That is why we will discuss now how to do just that using Laravel 5.2 and Caffeinated Modules 3.1 This is Part 2 of the Make Laravel Modular Series. Tested on Laravel 5.2.* Caffeinated Modules 3.1.*

Send SMS using Windows and any GSM Modem

Since We have posted how to send SMS using Linux Command line, It will be unfair if we don't do it on Windows OS. So basically We only need a GSM Modem, GAMMU for Windows, and of course Windows 7. My PC has a 64bit architecture, so We will be using the 64bit GAMMU for this tutorial.  

SMS Notification using Gammu on Linux

. So I got a call from the big boss, a client needs an SMS notification service. I said I will be needing a GSM Modem, a loaded SIM Card and a Linux Server. I was given the task and the equipment and now I will share how I set up the project up and working :).

Make Laravel 5 Modular Part 1

My current company is heading towards the Laravel and Angular JS path on creating tools for the departments. We were assigned to learn Laravel and Angular JS on our own as soon as possible. Since I saw that the company's data is getting bigger and bigger as time goes by, I researched for a way for us, the developers, to be able to create applications faster and make it much easier to maintain. We all know that making a modular application is currently the best approach on large projects.