BGTS LDAP Authentication Module

A simple LDAP authentication module for Laravel using Caffeinated Module and Angular JS
Checks if a username is registered in an LDAP collection.
Replaces the default Laravel Authentication.




Pre Installation

    Open  Bgtsldap\Database\Seeder\BgtsldapDomainSeeder  and fill up the array:
  array('name'=>'', 'label'=>'YOUR-DOMAIN', 'server'=>'LDAP://', 'port'=>'389');


    The domain of your server.
    This is the DN, used in ldap_bind(connection, DN . username, password); YOUR-DOMAIN    server
    LDAP Server IP. LDAP://`
    LDAP Server Port number. default: 389


  1. From your laravel instance, run this command via command prompt:
  2. php artisan make:module Bgtsldap
  3. Copy the contents of the Bgtsldap module to app/Modules/Bgtsldap replacing the generated files.
  4. Open app/Console/Kernel.php and add this to the $commands array
  5. \App\Modules\Bgtsldap\Console\Commands\Bgtsldap::class,
  6. From the command prompt, run:
  7. php artisan bgtsldap --help to see if the module is properly placed
  8. Finally, install the module:
  9. php artisan bgtsldap --install=true to migrate and seed the tables, and also publish the public files.

Post Installation:

  1.     Replace the model of the 'user' provider inside config/auth.php > 'model' => App\Modules\Bgtsldap\Models\BgtsldapUser::class,
  2.     Go to your main angular js file. public/Modules/default/js/default-main.min.js
  3.     Include 'bgtsldap' as a dependency of the app. > angular.module('bgts',['defaultnavigator','bgtsldap'])
  4.     Go to the bgtsldap_users table and modify the value of the account except the password. The password value is just used to make sure the Auth service provider will work.
  5.     Inside any view, include any of the following tags:

Login Form


Logout Modal

Application's User Registration Form
Only admins can view this. yourdatabase.bgtsldap_users.admin = 1

To show modals as popup:

<a ui-sref='bgtsldap-loginform'>Login</a>

<a ui-sref='bgtsldap-logoutform'>Logout</a>

<a ui-sref='bgtsldap-registerform'>Register</a>


The "bgtsldapUser" object will be created after a successful login. You may refer to the object by using:


    Use the default Auth::user() object from Laravel.


    A Cookie named bgtsldapUser - This should always be identical with the Server's user, essential for SPA application.
    AngularJS $cookies $cookies.getObject('bgtsldapUser');


    If you get any error, it is recommended that you run these via console:

    composer dump-autoload

    Re-serve the application. php artisan serve


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