BGTS LDAP Authentication Module
Checks if a username is registered in an LDAP collection.
Replaces the default Laravel Authentication.
Pre Installation
Open Bgtsldap\Database\Seeder\BgtsldapDomainSeeder and fill up the array:array('name'=>'', 'label'=>'YOUR-DOMAIN', 'server'=>'LDAP://', 'port'=>'389');
nameThe domain of your server.
This is the DN, used in ldap_bind(connection, DN . username, password); YOUR-DOMAIN server
LDAP Server IP. LDAP://`
LDAP Server Port number. default: 389
- From your laravel instance, run this command via command prompt:
- php artisan make:module Bgtsldap
- Copy the contents of the Bgtsldap module to app/Modules/Bgtsldap replacing the generated files.
- Open app/Console/Kernel.php and add this to the $commands array
- \App\Modules\Bgtsldap\Console\Commands\Bgtsldap::class,
- From the command prompt, run:
- php artisan bgtsldap --help to see if the module is properly placed
- Finally, install the module:
- php artisan bgtsldap --install=true to migrate and seed the tables, and also publish the public files.
Post Installation:
- Replace the model of the 'user' provider inside config/auth.php > 'model' => App\Modules\Bgtsldap\Models\BgtsldapUser::class,
- Go to your main angular js file. public/Modules/default/js/default-main.min.js
- Include 'bgtsldap' as a dependency of the app. > angular.module('bgts',['defaultnavigator','bgtsldap'])
- Go to the bgtsldap_users table and modify the value of the account except the password. The password value is just used to make sure the Auth service provider will work.
- Inside any view, include any of the following tags:
Login Form
Logout Modal
Application's User Registration Form
Only admins can view this. yourdatabase.bgtsldap_users.admin = 1
To show modals as popup:
<a ui-sref='bgtsldap-loginform'>Login</a>
<a ui-sref='bgtsldap-logoutform'>Logout</a>
<a ui-sref='bgtsldap-registerform'>Register</a>
The "bgtsldapUser" object will be created after a successful login. You may refer to the object by using:Server:
Use the default Auth::user() object from Laravel.
A Cookie named bgtsldapUser - This should always be identical with the Server's user, essential for SPA application.
AngularJS $cookies $cookies.getObject('bgtsldapUser');
If you get any error, it is recommended that you run these via console:
composer dump-autoload
Re-serve the application. php artisan serve