
My Journey in to DevOps

I was introduced as a DevOps Practitioner two years ago. And I've fallen into many pitfalls and myths. But once you understand the philosophy and the technicalities behind the term, the beauty of DevOps comes to light. Here, I will share some disciplines I practiced along the way. These technologies and processes are not the only ones that exist. But these, in my opinion, are the  essential puzzle pieces .

How to Start or Stop Azure Firewall

Cut your $1000 Azure Firewall monthly cost in Half using this Azure Firewall Operator Script.

Find the Row of a String from a Collection of Columns

The formula works on Microsoft Excel for Mac version 16.36. Given: Problem: Kassandra is in which team? Formula: = INDEX ( RESULT_ARRAY , MATCH ( 1 , MMULT ( -- ( COLUMN_HAYSTACK = NEEDLE ), TRANSPOSE ( COLUMN ( COLUMN_HAYSTACK )^ 0 )), 0 )) Actual Application: = INDEX ( A3:A6 , MATCH ( 1 , MMULT ( -- ( B3:D6 = A7 ),  TRANSPOSE ( COLUMN ( B3:D6 )^ 0 )),0)) Result: "Eagle"

Terraform: Merge a List ofObjects into One

The goal is to Merge a variable List of Objects from a Terraform Data Source   into One Object using Terraform's Merge function. mergedExpanded = merge(local.policy_parameters[*].parameters...) mergedHardcoded = merge(local.mergedExpanded[0].parameters,local.mergedExpanded[1].parameters,local.mergedExpanded[2].parameters)

Facebook Text Delight, the Animated Comments

Facebook has come up with some Colorful animations incorporated with a keyword or a key phrase since 2017 ( Easter Eggs?) . Here are some of the updated Keywords / Phrases that you can use to spice up your comments to your friend's posts.Enjoy :)

Create an AWS API Gateway for AWS Lambda

Create an AWS API Gateway for AWS Lambda Goal:  - Function will list all items inside an S3 Bucket  - Should be able to be triggered via API   What we'll have in the end: A Working API URL that will run our AWS Lambda function and returns response. If this is your first time, you would want to know how Easy Way to Create a Lambda Function first before making and API.

Easy Way to Create an AWS Lambda Function

Easy Way to Create an AWS Lambda Function Goal:  - Function will list all items inside an S3 Bucket  - Should be able to be triggered via API What we'll have in the end: A Lambda User Role - which will run the lambda function, preferably with S3 read-only permission. A NodeJS function - which will be the logic of the function. A JSON test input - which will be put to the function for testing purposes.